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Donating to Darchei Noam


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For Darchei Noam members looking to make a donation to the Imagine Tomorrow  Capital Campaign, please click here.


Why donate?

We rely on generous donations by members of the congregation and the broader community to support the important work that we do at Congregation Darchei Noam.  While membership contributions, or annual “fees”, make up the bulk of our revenue, they are not sufficient by themselves to maintain the health of our community.

Your support enables us to embrace our value of inclusion by ensuring that membership can to be offered to everyone regardless of their financial circumstances.  Your donations also ensure that we continue to offer vibrant programming and education for all ages and that our new home is maintained properly.

There are two basic types of funds: those that support the activities of Darchei Noam, and restricted funds that support activities we are associated with but do not control.

Funds that Support Congregation Darchei Noam

The Darchei Noam Fund

This fund supports inclusion, core committees, programming and other operations of our community and is dispersed at the discretion of the Board. Donations to this fund are used to sustain the annual operating budget of the Congregation.  

The Darchei Noam Capital Fund

This fund helps to pay our mortgage and, therefore, supports the long-term operations of the community.  As we lower our building-related debt, we can devote more of our revenues to our operations.

Targeted Donations

Congregants who want to support a specific project or activity at Darchei Noam can do so for donations over $1000.  Examples of recent targeted donations include our new website, conference attendance for our Director of Youth Education and Programming, and cruiser tables for our social hall.

Tribute Cards

Tribute cards are available for donations of $18 or more made in memoriam or to mark special occasions and congratulations. If you would like to honour a member of our Congregation or anyone else, please contact the office. These tributes are also published in the Darchei Noam newsletter, Ner NoamDonations may be made in the name of specific committees or activities.  The Board will take the support of these committees and activities as expressed through these donations into account when establishing budgetary allocations for the following year.

Planned Giving

Would you like to give to Darchei Noam through a bequest in your will?  If you would like to discuss what type of gift to the Congregation is right for you, please contact the office to arrange a meeting with our Fundraising Committee.

Restricted Funds

These funds flow directly to the recipient for their discretionary use.  While these funds do not support Darchei Noam directly, they do enable vital activities which we consider important. Our administrative support of these donations, including the issuing of tax receipts, is provided at no cost to these organizations.  They include:

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: a fund which the Rabbi dispenses to individuals in need or to support activities the Rabbi deems important.

First Interfaith Out of the Cold: a drop-in program which provides nutritious meals, social services, medical care, and an overnight shelter for street involved people living in Toronto.

How to Donate

Donations may be made in a variety of convenient ways: online (through the PayPal link below); by contacting the Darchei Noam office to make a credit card payment; or by mail with a cheque.

For a tribute card, please be sure to indicate if you are honouring or remembering someone.

If you have shares that have appreciated in value, you should consider donating them to Congregation Darchei Noam. You will pay no tax on the capital gain, and will still receive a tax credit for the full amount.

All donations are eligible for a tax receipt. Tax receipts are issued once a year.

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Wed, 8 May 2024 30 Nisan 5784