Adult Education

Provides educational programming on a range of topics related to Jewish religion, philosophy, history and culture, and broadening knowledge about Reconstructionist philosophy and culture.


Multimedia and multi-disciplinary connections between Judaic culture and  creative artistic expression through engaging lectures, hands-on programs  and on-site art exhibitions. Exhibitions, lectures and hands-on workshops that explore the arts from a  Judaic perspective. 


Ensures the proper management of cemetery related affairs for Darchei Noam. 


Bereavement support, support those caring for aging parents, etc.

Children & Family Engagement

To create and enhance opportunities which make Darchei Noam attractive to families with children 16 and under through youth focused programs and experiences that foster connections among parents, guardians, youth and the DN community at large.


Support the Treasurer, and the Board, in directing and overseeing the financial and fiscal affairs and long-term sustainability of the Congregation.


Focus on attraction, retention and succession planning for the Board and Standing Committee Chairs, development of organizational policies and  procedures, and on development and implementation of tools required to  support effective governance. 


The mandate of the House Committee is to provide guidance, support, and recommendations to the Executive Director, related to building preventative maintenance, repairs and enhancements, to ensure that the building complies with the Ontario Building Code and other legislation and meets the needs of the congregation.


Facilitate opportunities to expand knowledge, fellowship, and collaboration with other religious faiths through the planning and implementation of  ongoing programming, including effective ways of discussing and  celebrating religious differences and respectful forms of confronting differences. 

Israel Engagement

To educate and engage DN members in any areas relating to Israel’s history, security, politics and diplomacy. Examples include: Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Jewish/Arab relations within Israel, and Israel’s domestic political/social/religious issues.


The shul library is intended to provide access to materials of interest to our membership. 


To help maintain and grow the membership through outreach activities and  initiatives designed to engage our current members. To support the integration of new members during their first year of  membership. 


To advise the Board and collaborate with professional staff, as appropriate, on matters that relate to religious services, rituals and synagogue practice.

Shomrei Adama

Promote “green” awareness and strive to care for our environment. 

Social Justice Advocacy

Informed by the principles of Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam and by international commitments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we work as Jewish citizens aiming at eliminating injustice and poverty   within Canada. Engage in direct advocacy with policy makers in conjunction with other  interfaith and Jewish advocacy groups. Provide support and services to  groups affected by social injustice.