Darchei Noam sustains itself through the generous contributions of its members.

Membership contributions are paid monthly, with tax receipts issued. New members enjoy a substantial discount.

When you join Darchei Noam as a full adult member you also receive access to High Holy Days at no extra cost.  We do not have a mandatory building fund or a requirement that you pay for a cemetery plot.  

Age Category2025 Returning Member2025 New Member
Under Age 30By donation (suggested 0.5% of gross earnings)By donation (suggested 0.5% of gross earnings)
Age 30-34 (50% of base rate)$62$40
Age 35-39 (75% of base rate)$95$65
Age 40+ (base rate)$125$85

Financial circumstances should never be a barrier to membership.

Darchei Noam welcomes all and offers a confidential process for Membership Contribution Relief.

2025 Membership Categories and Expected Contributions 

Darchei Noam’s membership contribution structure helps our members budget their support for our community. It is based on increasing levels of support as members become more financially stable and an automated monthly payment process so that both members and the office can budget more effectively. We have also set up a confidential Membership Contribution Relief Process to help those who want to be members but are finding it difficult to meet the financial obligations of membership. Members will find details on our Members’ Portal here; non-members can contact the office for details. 

There is no relief process for High Holy Days memberships, for which adults in all age categories pay the same contribution rate; the sheer volume of High Holy Days members makes this impossible. However, if you are unable to afford High Holy Days membership, you can benefit from our member contribution relief process by joining as a full member!

Expected monthly membership contributions for those not seeking relief are shown in the table above; we will issue a charitable donation tax receipt for 100% of your membership contribution as well as all additional donations. A New Member joining after September 1 is considered a New Member for the full following year. Your age category is determined by your age on January 1 of the contribution year. The amount payable per family living at the same address is the sum of the individuals in the various age groups. Members are asked to pay through monthly automatic deposits arranged by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) from their bank to ours. This reduces administrative costs, which can be 4% of the total for credit card fees alone. There is an option to pay the full year in January, which is calculated at 12 times the amounts shown in the table.